Tuesday, 6 March 2007

Frank's Home

Frank came home this afternoon and is already lording it up. His homecoming was delayed until he could eat without vomitting and also get out of bed and walk. The first he managed at lunchtime, the second took a bit longer. Hey, come on, he is a teenager, Vicky always has problems getting out of bed! The consultant was very happy with the surgery and has even offered Frank a video of his own operation! Maybe I should post the gory bits on the blog when we get it! The good news from Franks point of view is that he's got the rest of the week off school, and also can't do PE or games for a month.

Monday, 5 March 2007

Frank's kidneys

Frank was lying in bed half asleep as he had just had a dose of morphene and was feeling a little sick because of this. Afer about half an hour he perked up a little. Apparrently he had waited for his sisters and mum to visit which was nice. Hopefully he will be home tomorrow sometime if he is eating without feeling ill.

Frank's kidneys

Frank is out of theatre and is in the recovery room. Will let you know more later.

Frank's kidneys

As most are aware Frank went into hospital on Sunday 4h March. I have just heard that he has gone into surgery and it will be about 4 to 5 hours before he is out.