Thursday, 19 July 2007

Yet another Birthday

Hello again, in a busy week we come to the next 'big' day. Friday sees Frank celebrating his 14th birthday. News just in - Frank went to ATC tonight and has been promoted to 1st class cadet. He has also been invited to go for his first days flying on 1st August, REMEMBER - DUCK AND COVER. He has used a flight simulator on his computer, and he delights in trying to nose dive into the ground!

Tuesday, 17 July 2007

Louise's news and more

Guess what. Our little girl isn't a girl anymore. She's now officially an adult. On Sunday she turned eighteen, and we celebrated by having a family day out to Redcar and Saltburn (her choice in case you're wondering). Louise has also started a new job! She has got a job as a junior developer with Cubik. Watch out Bill Gates!

Frank is also really enjoying his new life in the ATC and at last we have managed to get a couple of photos of him in his dress uniform, he'll hate me for these I know, but who cares.
Vicky, having finished her GCSEs is currently enjoying an eleven week holiday, some days she even manages to get out of bed before two o'clock ( in the afternoon that is). She does get up for her sandwich shop job on a Saturday though, the shock of getting up before eight o'clock nearly kills her !