Sadly, this is our last day in Bavaria, as we are moving on to Baccarach on the Rhine tomorrow. So today we decided that we didn't want to have too long a day and set off meandering along the Trubach valley. We had heard that at Gossweinstein could be found the most famous baroque basilica in all of Germany, and so we headed there. We're so glad that we didn't miss out on this opportunity.
On arriving at Gossweinstein, we first climbed to the berg on the hill, this was well worth it for the stunning views
We then ventured into the basilica, photos can't do it justice, to say it was stunning is somehow inadequate. You can judge for yourselves from the sample pictures shown, and the many we will inflict on everyone when we return.

Oh, and by the way, I bet you thought we'd forgotten the pictures of Konigstein where we're staying. We finally got round to taking them this afternoon, so here's a couple.