Today saw us driving on tiny country roads to such delightful villages and towns as Traunfeld, Ebermannstadt and Forchaim. On one tiny road we suddenly came upon a road closed sign, so smugly told TomTom to avoid roadblock. It must have thought that we were being too cocky because it gave us new directions. Up a winding single track road, at the top it said "turn left", only thing was that both left and right were unmade unused farm tracks (it didn't look like any tractors had been down in the last year. No possible chance of turning around or even reversing, we ventured on. After about a mile of this it asked us to turn left onto another farm track, but on looking right saw tarmac. Guess which way we chose?
Anyway, the prettiest of today's villages had to be Ebermannstadt, with a pretty river, sculptures and a beautiful small church called Marienkappel.

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